** BOARD OF DIRECTORS **
                                                                      Updated: August 25, 2023

                      The Club maintains an elected Board of Directors (B.O.D.), independent of the Executive  Committee.
              The elected President is a  member of the Board of Directors. The B.O.D. is governed by the Club
                                                                                   "operating Procedures"
              and is chaired by an elected chairperson from the elected BOD .  Each Board member is elected for a
               two (2) year term staggered in groups of  three (2). The operation of the club is vested in the B.O.D.. 

                  Note: The number in parentheses is the years remaining in office.

                         CURRENT MEMBERS:

                             Bob Clemmer (2)              714-328-6787

                             Al Trentini (2)                     949-240-8578

                            George Kish (1)                 714-997-1090    

                             Mike Reed (1)                  714-639-9249

                            Roger Philips (Club President)    949-258-3491 (also the acting chairman of the board)

   Board of Directors Meeting:  Next Board meeting to held   TBD (to be determined)


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